Who Am I?
I am a criminal defense attorney. I stand up for people that have been charged with theft, possession of a controlled substance, murder, driving under the influence of intoxicants, and domestic violence to name a few. It is a common misconception that this means I am in favor of crime. I’m not. I’m in favor of people. I’m in favor of liberty. I’m in favor of not judging people solely by what amounts to the worst couple of moments of their life. I’m in favor of judging people by the content of their character and not the color of their skin, to quote Martin Luther King, Jr. I’m in favor of the Constitution of these United States of America. I’m in favor of justice.
Criminal case attorneys in Portland, OR
My office has been located in Portland since 1996. Every day I represent people in Multnomah County (Portland and Gresham), Washington County, and Clackamas County. I represent people in Yamhill County, Polk County, Marion County, and even Lane County. I have gone as far as Deschutes County and Douglas County when needed. I represent people in the United States Federal Court. I represent people in municipal courts like Beaverton, Lake Oswego, and Canby. I represent people in Clark County Washington and have been a member of the Washington State Bar since 1995.
Why do I represent people accused of crimes?
Liberty. Freedom. These are the ideals that this great nation of ours was built upon. But, in the words of 19th century social reformer and abolitionist Frederick Douglass (probably quoting Thomas Jefferson), “Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty.” That is, if we as Americans don’t care for and cultivate our freedoms, our most cherished ideals, they will slip away from us. Why? Mostly fear. The media has filled us all with the fear of the ever present specter of crime and criminals. As a society, we have become ever more tolerant of intrusions upon our freedoms and privacy, on the promise that we will exchange that for a dollop of safety and security. As a recent example, consider the recent revelation that our government is monitoring our use of cell phones, keeping a data base of who we call, who calls us, and when. The most common reaction that I personally have heard to this, is a non-offended, “I already figured they were doing that.” The government responded, generally, that tolerance of the US Government spying on its own citizens was the price of safety from attackers, from invaders outside of our borders. As a whole, it feels like we have kind of accepted it.
What does it take to be a criminal defense attorney?
I am a dedicated professional. Criminal case attorneys require the dedication to stay up to date on the constantly changing state and federal law regarding criminal prosecutions and search and seizure. It’s understanding trial procedure. It’s understanding the evidence code. It’s understanding what to do, and when to do it. It’s fostering professional relationships with judges, prosecutors, and other attorneys. It’s about being prepared to a fault. It’s taking pride in your work and taking pride in your results.
Do I really care about my clients and their cases?
I am a passionate advocate. I represent my clients like I would represent my best friend. At the same time, I give level headed dispassionate advice that clearly describes the viable choices. I think what a lot of attorneys miss is that each client has goals that might not always align with the attorney’s. There’s not always one right course of action. It’s important to know the client and to know what the client wants and then together we can arrive at decisions.
Can I beat the charges against you?
I am a proven winner. I have represented the accused since 1995. I have never been an entry level DA or an insurance defense attorney. Rather, I’ve spent my career helping clients beat accusations of all types of charges including delivery of a controlled substance, domestic violence, assault with a deadly weapon, possession of a firearm, attempted murder, kidnapping, driving under the influence of intoxicants, rape, theft, identity theft, public indecency, and many, many more.
How can you get Barry W. Engle PC to represent you?
If you want an attorney who is going to represent you like your life depends on it, you’ve come to the right place. Give me a call. I want to find out about you. I want to know what happened. I want to know how I can help you. Call Barry W. Engle PC at 503-224-2171.